Marathon Staffing

3 Reasons Why Personal Branding Matters

Personal branding is about promoting the chief skills and experiences that uniquely position you to achieve important goals.

Most people think of brands when they think of companies.  But each of us has a personal brand, too—a brand that can be used to market ourselves.

Promoting yourself judiciously can lead to becoming the next great hire, company partner, or employer.

So, a frequently asked question is, “How should I develop my personal brand to increase the number of professional opportunities I’m considered for?”

Here are three reasons why you should consider upgrading your personal branding…

You Need to Make a Great First Impression

You only have one chance to make a great first impression! Knowing which skills and experiences to focus on lets you control your own story. Think of your personal brand as the first step on your journey to a rewarding career or professional relationship.

Your Need to Decide Which Image Others Should Have of You

Maintaining your image doesn’t stop with the first impression; it’s something you need to work on regularly. Your reputation is based on how others see you. Luckily, this is something that can be changed. Your audience—the people you’re “courting”—can influence how to present yourself. For example, you may want your colleagues to see you as helpful, while presenting yourself to managers as a leader lets them know you’re serious and interested in professional advancement.

You Need to Work with an Eye on Your Future

Although you may be interested, ultimately, in holding a higher position in a company, your personal brand might be telling a different story that can only lead to a less-fulfilling outcome. By actively transmitting a version of yourself that’s better suited for loftier positions, others will be influenced to imagine you in the new role—as someone entirely capable of assuming the responsibilities that accompany the position.  But personal branding can benefit you regardless of the position or industry you’re in.

Is your social media presence underscoring the personal branding that you’re establishing offline?

 If it isn’t, you’re sending mixed messages, which can be real deal breakers.

Whether you’re searching for an entry-level position or want to build the skills you have already, it’s crucial to evaluate and correct your brand wherever it appears so it reflects not only where you are, but where you’re heading.

Contact a Marathon representative today to get started on your next job journey and to continue improving your personal brand.

Written by:

Naomi Raices

Marketing Coordinator

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