Marathon Staffing

7 Ways to Effectively Manage a Manufacturing Team

Managing a workforce within a manufacturing environment can present unique challenges. The different departments, the necessary safety measures, and all other demands can all influence a facility’s operations.

In instances when companies have employer partners, navigating policies and addressing situations can look different as well.

Regardless of what your specific manufacturing environment looks like or your approach to managing regular and contingent workers (i.e., temporary and contract), there are some ways to positively impact the organization across the various teams.

Best Practices to Effectively Manage a Workforce in Manufacturing Setting:

1. Ensure Safety

Manufacturing environments can present increased safety risks. So, it’s important to ensure that everyone working in the facility receives the necessary training and personal protective equipment (PPE).

Make sure that all workers are informed on the safety protocols and have access to emergency procedures in case of an incident.

2. Streamline the Onboarding Process

Once the job offer has been accepted, a quick onboarding process will reduce any further disruptions in a company’s operations. Streamlining this process can help ensure that workers can quickly start on any training requirements.

3. Clearly Define Job Responsibilities

Be specific about the scope of work, job responsibilities, and performance expectations for each position. This can help ensure that there are no misunderstandings about what is expected, which can also reduce avoidable incidents.

4. Provide Job-Specific Training

Manufacturing jobs may require specific technical skills or knowledge, either gained through previous experience or provided as part of a position’s training. Job-specific training ensures that everyone in the facility has the necessary expertise to perform their job duties safely and effectively.

5. Monitor Performance

Clear performance standards should be outlined for all workers and be monitored and evaluated on a regular basis. This can help identify areas where additional training or support may be needed and ensure operations continue to run smoothly.

6. Encourage Teamwork

A high level of teamwork and collaboration can contribute to a safe and efficient work environment. Encouraging teamwork across all departments and groups can help improve overall productivity and boost morale for regular and contingent workers alike.

7. Offer Incentives

Consider offering incentives such as bonuses or recognition awards for employees who go above and beyond in the workplace. Adopting programs like these can help create a more positive work environment, which has been shown to lead to higher retention rates.

Assess what changes your organization may need to effectively leverage the benefits of a well-rounded workforce while also minimizing manufacturing-related risks and challenges.

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Written by:
Sam Afador